Officer Salaries, Vacation, and Pension
Kingston Police offers competitive salaries.
4th class constable
Get paid to learn while at Ontario Police College (OPC) and develop your skills.
3rd class constable
Reached after 15 months from date of hire
2nd class constable
Reached after an additional 12 months from 3rd class
1st class constable
Reached after an additional 12 months from 2nd class
* An hourly bonus is added on overnight shifts. Salaries are based on our current collective agreement.
Vacation and Holidays
Sworn employees receive paid annual leave that increases based on years of service. Previous service with any recognized police agency will also count towards annual leave entitlement.
Sworn employees on shift work or working compressed schedules receive an additional time off in lieu of statutory holidays.
Retention Pay
Retention pay is available to all Sworn members, and it increases based on years of service to Kingston Police.
Pension Plan
Kingston Police is a part of the OMERS pension plan, which is one of the best pension funds in Ontario. Learn more about OMERS.